الوجهة دبي
ذا هيلز دبي THE HILLS DESTINATION DUBAI دبي تلك المدينة البسيطة التي اقيمت علي ضفاف الخور، شهدت على مدى 60 عام تطور مذهلا قد يحتاج إلى قرون طويلة في بعض المدن الاخرى .
واليوم باتت دبي واحدة من أهم مدن العالم، مركز لالتقاء الحضارات وتجسيد مبهر لما يقدر أن يصل إليه الطموح البشري عبر رؤية صائبة ثاقبة.
From modest beginnings as a small, creek-siden settlement, Dubai has seen more growth in the last 60 years than most cities do in centuries.Today it towers proudly as a global metropolis, a multinational hub, and a glittering showpiece.
دبي التنوع الثقافي والاجتماعي
هناك اليوم أكثر من 200 جنسية تأخذ من دبي موطنا لها، ومن المتوقع أن تصل حركة المرور في مطار دبي الدولي، الاخذ في
التوسع باستمرار، إلى 75 مليون شخص بحلول العام 2015 و90 مليون بحلول العام 2018 .ومع إحصاءات كهذه وغيرها من
ا̧حصاءات الاخري ، يتبدى لك بوضوح أن دبي تسير على خطى ثابتة في مسيرتها نحو نمو منقطع النظير، ما يجعل من منزلك في "ذا هيلز" أكثر من مجرد مكان آمن لأسرتك وحسب، بل أيضا استثمار مضمون لمستقبلك.
More than 200 nationalities currently call the emirate home and traffic through the impressive and expanding Dubai
International Airport is estimated to reach 75 million by 2015 and 90 million by 2018. With statistics like these, it’s
clear that Dubai’s bold evolutionary course is only set to continue, making your new home in The Hills not just a safe haven for your family, but also a secure investment for your future.
إعمار أسلوب حياة فريد
على مدى 15 عام من العمل المتواصل، تمكنت إعمار من المساهمة بقوة في تغيير ملامح دبي وتطويرها بشكل مذهل عبر دورها الرائد في تشييد المجتمعات السكنية المتكاملة.
Over the course of its decade-and-a-half history, Emaar has pioneered the rise of integrated
communities in Dubai, radically changing the face of a city and a nation in the process.
تمتلك إعمار رؤية شاملة لعملية التطوير
فلا يقتصر دورها على البناء وحسب بل يمتد ليوفر مجتمعات عمرانية على أعلى مستوى من الرقي تجمع بين المرافق اللازمة للعمل والرياضة والترفيه وخدمات البيع بالتجزئة. من هنا يمكن القول بأن إعمار نموذج مشرق لعلامة تجارية تجس ّ د رغد العيش،
علامة تجارية خطت اسمها إلى الأبد في سجلات التاريخ بفضل مشروعها العملاق وسط مدينة دبـي الـذي يضم مجموعة من
أبـدع الأيقونات المعمارية والهندسية في العالم مثل برج خليفة ودبي مول ودبي فاونتن. تحرص إعمار بشكل دائم على الابتكار
والتطوير لتلبي كافة احتياجات عملائها من أجل حياة أفضل ومستوى استثنائي من الجودة، الأمر الذي يمثل ركيزة نجاحها ونموها المستمر.
جوائز عديدة
ويبرز ذلك جليا في عدد الجوائز التي تمكنت إعمار من حصدها ومن بينها جائزة "أفضل مطور في الشرق الأوسط
وشمال أفريقيا" ضمن جوائز يوروموني للعقارات لسنة ٢٠٠٩ ، ّ وجائزة "أفضل مطور عقاري في دولة ا̧مــارات
العربية المتحدة"، وجائزة "أفضل مطور عقاري في المملكة العربية السعودية"، وجائزة "الأعمال في الشرق
الأوسـط" وجائزة " التميز العالمية للتنافسية ٢٠٠٩ ،"وجائزة "دبي للجودة والتميز في الخدمة"، وجائزة يوروموني
الأولى من نوعها لمطوري العقارات في منطقة الخليج التي تُمنح لأفضل مطور عقاري في دولة ا̧مارات العربية المتحدة.
Emaar’s philosophy of development
However, Emaar’s philosophy of development is a holistic one, creating considerately envisioned homes that
seamlessly incorporate urban living with work, play, leisure and retail. Emaar is the epitome of a ‘Lifestyle Brand’,
having etched its name forever into the annals of history with its flagship mega-development Downtown Dubai,
home to unparalleled architectural and engineering feats such as Burj Khalifa, The Dubai Mall and The Dubai
Fountain. Continuous innovation and evolution that pre-empt consumers’ needs for a better life and
uncompromising quality are the cornerstones of Emaar’s continued success and growth.
Best Developer in the Middle East and North Africa’
Testament to the fact are accolades that include ‘Best Developer in the Middle East and North Africa’
at the 2009 Euromoney Real Estate Awards; ‘Best Developer in the UAE’ and ‘Best Developer in Saudi
Arabia’; ‘Middle East Business Global Competitiveness Excellence Award 2009’; the coveted ‘Dubai
Quality Award’ for quality and service excellence; and the first-ever ‘Euromoney Gulf Real Estate
Award for the Best Overall Developer in the UAE’.
فنون معمارية مذهلة وإبداعات هندسية لا تدانى.
روعة ا̧مارات
يتألف مشروع روعة ا̧مـارات من ٤ مناطق سكنية متميزة هي البحيرات والسهول والينابيع وتلال الإ̧مارات. وعلى
الرغم من تفرد كل منطقة بطابعها الـخـاص، إلا أن جميعها تتمتع بنفس المساحات الخضراء الواسعة ومجاري المياه البديعة
The Emirates Living community is currently comprised of four distinct developments, namely The Lakes, The
Meadows, The Springs and Emirates Hills. These, while individually unique, share a common landscaping approach that features serene waterways and abundant greenery.
بحيرات بديعة ومساحات خضراء شاسعة.
توفر البحيرات منازل عائلية للتملك الحر بمساحات تبدأ من غرفتين وحتى ٥ غـرف. وتتميز فلل البحيرات بموقعها الرائع حيث يحيط
بها ملعبا جولف عالميان، مونتغمري في تلال ا̧مارات وملعب ا̧مارات للجولف. وتتألف البحيرات 4 أحياء مـجـاورة، هي ديما وفــرات ومعين وزلال، با̧ضافة إلـى المجمع السكني الجديد "غدير" الذي كان قد تم تسليمه في العام ٢٠٠٩
The Lakes
offer family freehold homes in two to five bedrooms. Tranquil and scenic, its villas are situated between two world-
class golf courses, The Montgomerie at Emirates Hills, and Emirates Golf Course. The Lakes has four established
neighbourhoods - Deema, Forat, Maeen, Zulal, as well as a new community, Ghadeer, which was handed over in 2009.
تتميز السهول بشوارعها الخضراء الواسعة التي تحدها الأشجار من الجانبين، وفللها الرحبة التي تتراوح مساحاتها بين ثلاث وسبع
غرف. تم تصميم هذه المنازل، التي تتألف من طابقين، ببراعة بالغة لتناسب العائلات الصغيرة ا́خذة من دبي موطنا لها، والتي تتوق للعيش في بيئة سكنية مريحة وآمنة لا تخلو من جمال الطبيعة وسحرها.
The Meadows
feature verdant streets, lined with trees and distinctive, spacious villas that range from three to seven
bedrooms. These two-storey homes cater specifically to Dubai s young professional families, who
appreciate the advantage of living within a secure, gated community, while retaining the beauty of a picturesque setting.
لا تخلو أي منطقة في الينابيع من المساحات الخضراء الواسعة والبحيرات البديعة، التي تشكل منتزهات ومناطق فسيحة للترفيه
والاستمتاع. توفر الينابيع لقاطنيها بيئة سكنية آمنة ومثالية لما تتمتع به من خصوصية كمجمع سكني له بواباته المستقلة.
The Springs
have been landscaped to create lush, green surroundings that feature parks, lakes, and recreational
areas. A gated community with town houses set on scenic waterways, The Springs provides a perfect, secure environment for young families and couples.
تلال الإ̧مارات
تشتهر تلال الإ̧مارات بفللها وقصورها الفاخرة، والتي تمتد على مساحات خضراء شاسعة لملعب الجولف العالمي ذا مونتغمري، الذي يضم ١٨ حفرة. تجمع فلل تلال ا̧لإمارات المجهزة على أعلى مستوى بين الخصوصية وا̧طلالة الخلابة، ما يوفر بيئة سكنية
مريحة تفيض بجمال الطبيعة وتنعم بأعلى مستوى من المرافق والخدمات.
Emirates Hills
is known for its luxurious villas and mansions that gaze out over the lush green fairways of world-class, 18-hole
Championship Golf Course, the Montgomerie. Emirates Hills’ well-appointed villas and handsome, private
neighborhoods oer a harmonious balance of manicured natural beauty and a host of convenient and lifestyle-enriching facilities.
ذا هيلز
إطلالة خلابة تأسر عينيك
THE Hills
حياة متناغمة مع كل ما يحيط بها
بعيد عن جلبة المدينة وصخبها، "ذا هيلز" تتيح لك الاستمتاع بأقصى درجــات الـراحـة والسكينة دون أن يخالجك إحساس
بالعزلة، لأن موقع "ذا هيلز" المتميز يضعها على مقربة من منطقة الروضة، أحد أشهر مناطق إعمار، ومنطقتي السهول والينابيع
في مجمع روعة الإمـارات. سوف تنعم في "ذا هيلز" بإطلالة خلابة، تسحرك بمناظرها البديعة نهار وتذهلك بجمالها عند حلول
المساء مع إضاءة ملعب الجولف وتألق أبراج مرسى دبي في افق. يجمع هذا المشهد الرائع بين جمال الطبيعة الخضراء وبريق حياة المدينة عن بعد.
Life in harmony with its surroundings
Beyond the hustle and bustle of the city centre, but well within the bounds of ultra-convenience, The Hills
community comes into being. The site is located close to the immensely popular Emaar Greens area and within
Emirates Living’s The Meadows and The Springs. Breathtaking by day, the views are equally stunning by night when
the golf course is lit and the Marina Towers twinkle in the distance, their combined ambiance reflecting both the calm, leisurely green landscape and the excitement of city life in the distance
تصميم ذا هيلز دبي
تم تصميم "ذا هيلز" بشكل يضمن عدم الإضـرار بالطبيعة ويخلق بيئة صحية مستدامة. ولتحقيق ذلك كان علينا أن نأخذ في الحسبان الـــدورة الكاملة لعمر كل مبنى والعناصر ّ المكونة له، بالإضافة إلى الأداء والتأثير البيئي والاقتصادي. خلق ّ بيئة صحية
ومريحة تطلب منا الحفاظ على الموارد عبر تطوير ممارساتنا، كترشيد استهلاك الطاقة وتجديدها وتقليل الهدر، بالإضافة إلى ترشيد استهلاك المياه.
The Hills designe
The Hills has been designed with an emphasis on sustainability and adherence to Green Code requirements. The
entire life cycle of the building and its components is considered, as well as the economic and environmental impact
and performance. By promoting resource conservation practices, including energy e ciency, renewable energy,
waste minimization, and water conservation, a healthy and comfortable environment is created.
بنى تحتية متطورة في انتظار مدينة سكنية مذهلة
سوف تحظى "ذا هيلز" فور الانتهاء من إنشائها بشبكة متطورة من البنى التحتية عالية الجودة، التي تخدم في الوقت الحالي كافة المناطق السكنية المجاورة.
سيوفر هذا المشروع أسلوب حياة عصري مفعم بحيوية المدينة، لكنه سيحتفظ في الوقت ذاته بسكينة وهدوء المجمعات السكنية المستقلة
A COMMUNITY WITHIN A The Hills development is privileged in that upon completion, it will have
immediate access to high-quality infrastructure that already supports the neighbouring communities
The development will share the warmth of an established and mature COMMUNITY residential
tranquility expected centre, bustling from such with a vibrancy, renowned yet suburban o ering the peace and setting
مساحات خضراء على مدى البصر
سوف تطل "ذا هيلز" على ملعب الإمارات للجولف، هذا الملعب العالمي الذي يمتد على مساحة ١٣٫٣٧٥ متر من العشب اخضر،
وينقسم إلى ملعبين أساسيين يضم كل منهما ١٨ حفرة. وقد استضافا هذان الملعبان عدة مبارايات لمجموعة من أشهر أبطال
لعبة الجولف. بعض الوحدات سوف تتمتع بإطلالة خلابة على المنظر الساحر لملعب مونتغمري
. ذلك بالإضافة إلى المرافق الترفيهية الرائعة، كالمطعم الفرنسي الحائز على جوائز، «لو كلاسيك» والتراس المطل على حمام
السباحة والنادي الرياضي «فيت لاب» ومركز اللياقة البدنية «بيسبوك ويلنس». هي ببساطة المكان امثل لمحبي الجولف وكل من يتوق للاستمتاع بجمال ورفاهية العيش بين تلال ملاعب الجولف الخلابة.
GREEN AS FAR The Hills will overlook the world-famous, Emirates Golf Course, stretching across 13,375 metres of
lush greenery, in two 18-hole, championship courses that have played host to some of the best practitioners of the sport. AS THE EYE CAN SEE
Add to that club facilities, like award-winning French restaurant, Le Classique; a poolside terrace; Fit Lab Gym; and
Bespoke Wellness centre, and it creates a paradise, both for avid golfing enthusiasts, as well as anyone who simply
enjoys the lavish luxury and beauty that life on a golf course has to offer.
طراز فريد من الفن المعماري
تتميز "ذا هيلز" بطرازها المعماري الفريد الذي يعتمد على فـن البساطة وعـــدد مـن تقنيات التصميم الهندسي الرفيعة. تم
تصميم كافة المباني بشكل يمنح قاطنيها إحساس رائع بالراحة والسكينة.
ســوف يتوسط المشروع مجموعة مـن المباني يبلغ ارتفاعها ١٥ طابق ، وستقل الارتفاعات بشكل تدريجي كلما
اتجهنا نحو أطـــراف المشروع الخارجية، إذ سـوف تتراوح ارتفاعات المباني على طرفي الموقع بين ١٢ و١٥ طابق.
سـوف يتوفر فـي معظم الـغـرف حـجـرات خاصة لتخزين الملابس أو غيرها من اغراض، بالإضافة إلى حمامات واسعة تضم حوضين فاخرين على منصة واحدة ممتدة.
Aesthetically, form follows function with an eye for proportion and tasteful minimalism, drawing from a number of
design techniques. In this way, spaces are created that e ortlessly provide a sense of comfort and contentment for the people who live in them.
At the development’s centre, buildings will rise to 15 storeys, with heights gradually reducing towards
the site’s outer edges. The buildings at either end of the site will have heights of between 12 and 15 storeys.
The majority of bedrooms will feature walk-in closets to allow ample room for storage, and master, en-suite
bathrooms, will incorporate two washbasins set together on an expansive vanity platform.
مساحات سكنية مصممة للاستمتاع بعيش هانئ
سوف تجسد التصاميم الداخلية لكل شقة المعنى الحقيقي للرفاهية والحداثة، لما توفره من بيئة سكنية رحبة تتميز بطرازها
العصري المرن. المساحات المفتوحة لغرفة المعيشة والطعام والمطبخ سوف تتيح لقاطني الشقة الاستمتاع بمساحات داخلية أوسـع ومساحات فسيحة للشرفات تكفي لإقامة حفلات عشاء في الهواء الطلق.
Each apartment’s interior design will be such as to provide a spacious, modern and flexible environment that
epitomizes style and luxury. Open-plan living, dining, and kitchen areas mean that residents will enjoy the freedom
of more space inside, while balconies will be large enough to allow for at-home, al fresco dining.
راحة لا متناهية تحيط بك من كل ناحية
سوف يوفر هذا المشروع مجموعة واسعة من المرافق والخدمات، بالإضافة إلى مساحات على أعلى مستوى من التجهيز للمطاعم ومتاجر السوبر ماركت ومنافذ البيع بالتجزئة.
كما سيتسنى للسكان الاستفادة من عدد كبير من حمامات السباحة المتنوعة، حمام سباحة للكبار وحمام سباحة طويل
المسار للرياضيين ومسبح آمن لأطفال وجاكوزي. ولا شك أن أسر ة الاسترخاء والكابينات المغلقة سوف توفر أجواء رائعة للراحة والاستمتاع تشبه كثير أجواء المنتجعات الساحلية.
In addition to providing an ideal setting for restaurants, supermarkets, and retail outlets, the development will feature a host of outdoor amenities.
Residents will have access to a number of swimming pools, including an adults’ pool, a separate lap pool for
exercise, a smaller pool where children can play safely, and a Jacuzzi. Sun beds and enclosed cabanas will provide a place to relax and enjoy the sun in true resort style.
كذلك سيتم تخصيص حديقة لممارسة رياضة اليوغا، بالإضافة إلى منصة خشبية مظللة للاستمتاع بالمنظر الساحر لملاعب
الجولف الخضراء، ومنصة أخـرى لحفلات الشوي مع العائلة أو اصـدقـاء. وبالقرب من كل هـذا سـوف يتم تخصيص منطقة مظللة
لـعـاب اطــفــال، حتى يتمكن الأبـــاء مـن الاستمتاع بأوقاتهم وهم مطمئنون تمام على صغارهم.
A Yoga Lawn will also be accessible, while a Lounge Deck and a separate BBQ Deck will be set in a
prominent location, with elevated views of the golf course. Nearby, parents will be able to sit comfortably, as their children have fun in the shaded Play Area.
فندق ومنتجع فيدا
سيضم مشروع ذا هيلز ٤ مبان منخفضة الارتفاع: مبنيان سكنيان، بالإضافة إلى فندق فيدا وشقق فيدا الفندقية.
ضافت مجموعة إعمار للضيافة إلى قائمتها علامة تجارية جديدة في عالم الضيافة والترفيه، هي فنادق ومنتجعات فيدا. مركز
حضري رائع يجذب إليه الجيل الجديد من المديرين ورجال اعمال والسياح من جميع أرجاء العالم للإقامة والاستمتاع والتواصل،
باختصار فنادق ومنتجعات فيدا هي المكان المناسب لكل من يحمل بداخله روح الشباب. وستنفرد الفنادق بألوان جذابة مريحة
وتصاميم أنيقة وقائمة واسعة من أجود أنـواع الطعام الشرق أوسطي والعالمي، كل هذا بالإضافة إلى أحدث التجهيزات التقنية.
The Hills will comprise four low-rise buildings: two dedicated residential buildings, in addition to a Vida Hotel and Vida serviced apartments.
Emaar Hospitality Group extends its portfolio with this new ‘Alive and Inspired’ brand, VIDA Hotels and Resorts. An
urban hub where a new generation of business executives, entrepreneurs and leisure travellers come to stay, play
and connect, Vida Hotels and Resorts cater to the young and young-at-heart. The hotels will be distinguished by
neutral colours and a chic ambience, good food inspired by Middle East and international cuisine, and the convenience of the latest technology.
Accessibility has been a key consideration throughout the design process and The Hills connects readily to Sheikh
Zayed Road, as well as the Dubai Marina and other metro stations.
There are entrance points at either end of the development and a simple strategy of separating residential tra c
from visitor and retail tra c at those points will be put in place.
على مقربة من قلب المدينة
أكثر ما كان يشغلنا في مرحلة التصميم هو الاتصال المباشر بالمدينة، لذلك حرصنا على ربط "ذا هيلز" بشارع الشيخ زايد ودبي مارينا وبعض محطات المترو.
هناك أكثر من مدخل على طرفي المشروع، وسيتم وضع خطة مدروسة لتوزيع الحركة ّ المرورية وتحديد مداخل للسكان وأخرى للزوار وغيرها للراغبين في التسوق.
دبي من منظور جديد
تجمع "ذا هيلز" بين سكينة الطبيعة والموقع المتميز. فهي تمتد على مساحات خضراء واسعة من ملاعب الجولف البديعة، وتبعد
بضع دقائق فقط عن واحدة من أشهر مدن العالم وأكثرها تألق ،حيث شاطئ الخليج العربي الساحر ومجموعة من أكبر وجهات
التسوق والترفيه في العالم. العيش في "ذا هيلز" سوف يتيح لك الاستفادة من المزايا الاستثنائية التي توفرها دبي لكل من يحيا على ارضها .
The Hills development marries tranquility with connectivity. A verdant community on the verge of a golf course, with
a vibrant hub mere minutes away from one of the world’s most prominent metropolises. The warm shores of the
Arabian Gulf wait on its doorstep, while world-class shopping malls lie just beyond. To be a resident of The Hills is to
take full advantage of all that Dubai has to o er, and to carve a little piece of all that out for yourself.
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Executive Residences is a recently established well planned and laid out commercially driven residential development by Emaar Properties featuring spacious and commodious 1BR, 2BR, 3BR apartments with the finest set of amenities and an exceptionally central location in Dubai Hills Estate. Executive Residences is a residential development built and conceptualized uniquely to amalgamate a residential lifestyle with a highly commercial one by positioning these residences as work from home in a work like setting of home kind of residences and are situated in the scenically heavenly development of Dubai Hills Estate designed and dedicated for an extremely spacious and commodious lifestyle. Executive Residences is the residential part of it, offering 1BR, 2BR, 3BR apartments adorned by the finest of maestros and provided with the best amenities around.
Project Overview
Starting Price |
AED 999,888 |
Price Per Sqft from |
AED 1,540 |
Area from |
649.07 Sqft. |
Type |
Apartments |
Bedrooms |
Location |
Dubai Hills Estate |
Developer |
Emaar Properties |
Developer Projects |
90 |
Est. Completion |
Q4 2021 |
Executive Residences by Emaar Properties
Executive Residences is one of the most anticipated and awaited residential/commercial projects in the region given its unique amalgamated nature of being a commercial as well as a residential project. Executive Residences, as its name implies, is a custom made and hand tailored development for top line Business Executives who can work and run their businesses from their homes at Executive Residences. All the residences within this lavish and premium residential development have been designed and built keeping in mind the thriving nature of workspace combined and accommodated in a home-like setting. Executive Residences have been backed up and provided by the DMCC Free Zone authorities to be a full-fledged free zone business area where investors can enjoy 100% Business Ownership, 0% Personal & Corporate Income Tax, a 100% Capital Repatriation, and a whopping 15,000+ companies to network with after investing in this mind-boggling development.
Furthermore, investing in The Executive Residences will also bring the investors with an opportunity to get a Free 3 Year Renewable Business License as well as a completely Free 3 Year Renewable Family Residence Visa too after paying just a 20% payment of the apartment price in advance. The uniqueness and out of the box approach to this residential/commercial development can be expected to be the brainchild of a very few capable master developers in the region and well, you guessed it right! One such master mind that can be expected behind this splendor is the bespoke Emaar Properties and the master developer has yet again marked its unique niche within the market through this mind-boggling project. The Executive Residences have been brought to life by the unwavering endeavors of the dream developer Emaar Properties. In addition to being such a unique and well thought upon residential/commercial development, one striking feature of The Executive Residences is its location in the spacious and extremely well-located and well-provided vicinity of Dubai Hills Estate.
Dubai Hills Estate is a high-end lavish community comprising of residential villas with the most exquisite interiors and infrastructure. As the name implies, the Estate has been designed and built to be considered as one of the most top-notch and luxury household developments in the city. Due to its convenient location, Dubai Hills Estate is at a feasible access to fine diners, retail outlets, healthcare facilities, sport centers as well as educational institutions. Thus, people looking to spend a lavish life with the superior facilities should definitely head towards Dubai Hills Estate as a convenient lifestyle pick. The security and surveillance provisions at the development make it all the more ideal as a household option to live in. To shed some light on the grandeur of this master development entity, Emaar Properties is the real estate wing of Emaar Group, and is one of the most locally as well as globally renowned master developers in the UAE.
Being a pioneer of large scaled and massively planned master developments, this mega developer has delivered some break-through projects and developments in the region. Emaar Properties is a well-trusted name in the UAE and is well-received both in the commercial as well residential sectors as it diversifies in both. Thus, when it comes to premium, at par lavish and luxurious developments, Emaar Properties tops the list everywhere and takes the lead. Hence in today’s date, Emaar Properties, founded by the bespoke and well-respected name of the real-estate industry of UAE Mohammed Alabbar in the year 1997. Now an official entry and member of Dubai Financial Market, Emaar Properties is not just a local but a globally renowned and established multi-national wing of the original Emaar Group. A name that certainly requires no introduction, this development entity due to its omnipresence in approximately every other mega project within the region has now become a household name. Yes, we are certainly talking about Emaar Properties.
Emaar is not just a property development entity but is rather a representation of what Dubai as a city has to offer in all its glitter and glory. The real-estate and property management extension of the famous Emaar Group, Emaar Properties has strode through all the roadblocks to achieve this exemplary success and recognition . The real estate flagship of one of the most famed and popular groups within the region Emaar Properties held and stood firmly on its ground for all these years now. With various of its operational offices and branches in different countries, the property development and management operates across the globe providing state-of-the-art property developments and projects under its superior flagship with the finest engineering and infrastructural abilities to it and therefore, stands tall and proud today as Emaar Properties in the world.
Therefore, Emaar Properties’ newest commercial/residential project, Executive Residences is a hand-printed canvas of some business best architects and interior designers in the region who have delivered to the best of their abilities within this project. Executive Residences feature immaculately infrastructured 1BR, 2BR, 3BR apartments with the finest set of internal furnishings and closet and cabinet spaces and a workspace like touch to them given their inspiration driven from a world-class commercial and residential development across the globe. With a whopping collection of hundreds of apartments choices to opt from, the residential development provides investors with a wide variety of options to opt through. These uber-chic and urbane residential apartments deliver the truest essence of a homely relaxed feeling to the residents. Thus, it would not be wrong to say that Executive Residences is the perfect amalgamation and pinnacle of everything uber-modern and highly-deluxe combined with all things classic, lavish and Arab-world like and so does the aura and persona of this stunning development reflects rightfully.
Executive Residences by Emaar Properties is a residential/commercial well-equipped with very quintessential amenity required by the residents and more importantly well planned to ensure the provision of all the amenities and facilities in particular because of the rare combination of being a residential workspace that it entails. The development has a well-furnished health centre providing gym, yoga, as well as exercising space to the residents. The presence of big seminar and meeting rooms in close proximity to these residences make sure that the development lives up to its promise of being a thriving work from home space and facilitates its residents with all the important necessities needed in the context. Hence, a dedicated Business Cafe, Zen & Yoga Gardens, Infinity Edge Pool and humongous Meeting Rooms are some of the most exclusive and striking amenities of Executive Residences by Emaar Properties in Dubai Hills Estate. However, it does not just end there, with lush green parks in the surroundings, the whole community bears a feel-good essence to it.
Executive Residences is situated along Dubai Hills Estate nestling in the lap of the magnificent Dubai Hills Park and Dubai Hills Boulevard which stands in all its grandeur amongst a beautiful and wholesome mixed use development entailing spacious and commodious area for residential developments in the surroundings. Thus, due to its location along Dubai Hills Estate, Executive Residences enjoy access to some state-of-the-art amenities in the surroundings. Be it dedicated separate swimming pools for men and women or secured and gated play areas for the kids, this residential/commercial community is an all engulfing one. Covered parking spaces and 24/7 security checks also serve as one of the most striking provisions of this residential development by Emaar Properties. In addition to these necessities, the community also enjoys close access to city’s best retail, leisure, dining and recreational spots. However, surpassing all these state-of-the-art amenities is the hospitality touch to everything provisioned within these residences. All the residences are very well provisioned with exclusive workspace like facilities at all times and therefore, the residents can count on the beauty of these residences in this way.
It is the location of Executive Residences in the magnificently scenic area of Dubai Hills Estate that makes this project extremely unique and one of a kind in its nature. Because, no matter how comforting the property is, how spaciously and commodiously is it built, how conveniently and feasibly it engulfs all the surrounding facilities and amenities around it, the location of any given property often acts a game changer because the convenience, reachability and accessibility of that location often acts as the ground principles to the decision making process of an investor. Hence, in this particular case of bringing forward such a unique residential/commercial development, Emaar Properties had to go an extra mile in order to make sure that they were positioning, locating and placing their newest unique venture in the right location was one Herculean responsibility that the master developer had to shoulder. Hence, owing to Emaar Properties’ strategic and well-thought upon background extensive research and homework, Executive Residences in Dubai Hills Estate enjoys a very strategic and central location when it comes to the ease of commute and ease of residence it promises to provide its investors and residents alike.
Executive Residences is situated along the magnificently designed and placed residential as well as commercial development i.e. Dubai Hills Estate. Dubai Hills Estate is a mega-venture comprising of finely infrastructured and meticulously designed Apartments and Villas for Sale in Dubai on Mohammed Bin Rashid Road. As the name of the development implies, this Estate has been established to feature the most desirable and spacious residential developments for residents in the Emirate. Dubai Hills Estate is a perfect balance between a natural habitat and a modernity driven neighborhood. Due to its larger-than-life infrastructure, it mostly features big commodious Villas for Sale in Dubai. And that is the very reason that a spacious development like The Executive Residences have been placed in such a spacious and gigantic development. Hence, It is due to this central location that Executive Residences lies in close proximity some of the most key locations in the city like Downtown Dubai, Business Bay, Dubai Mall & Burj Khalifa etc for residents to commute easily.
Not just that, the residential development also lies in very central proximity to city’s best recreational key locations. The exclusive view of the scintillating waters of Dubai’s coastline provided to the residents while living at The Executive Residences along with a beautiful look of Dubai’s skyline captivates you instantly. However, having said that, it would not be wrong to say that the development does not essentially requires proximity to the nearest recreational and leisure spots as it is extremely unique and recreational in its own stature and is more of a well-provisioned workspace than being anything else. Dubai Hills Estate has been built and designed to accommodate all such factors kept in mind. One can enjoy not just its serene, quiet and spacious location in proximity of and yet at a distance from the city’s hustle bustle but also the pandora box full of recreational and fun activities that it offers to the residents choosing Executive Residences as their address. Your dream home and the dreamiest workplace is here. What are you waiting for? Head to the property listings page at www.dxboffplan.com and check out the details of this project now!
- You can use your Executive Residences Apartment as your home office
- Pay 20% of the apartment price & receive a free 3- year renewable business license & a free 3-year renewable residency visa*
- Get 42% discount on your annual business license renewal for life*
* Note
- Residency Visa for 3 years for the owner is free under the offer
- Residency Visa fee for 3 years for the family has to be paid by the owner
- 42% discount on your annual business license renewal is applicable for life only if you own the apartment.
Installment |
Milestone |
Percentage (%) |
1st Installment |
Down Payment |
5% |
2nd Installment |
Within 30 Days of Booking |
5% |
3rd Installment |
5 Equal Installments (Every 6 Months) |
5% |
4th Installment |
Upon Completion (Q4 2021) |
25% |
5th Installment |
5 Equal Installments (Every 6 Months Post-Handover) |
5% |
6th Installment |
Final Installment (Q4 2024) |
15% |